Victim 2 Victor

An Inspirational True Story About a Woman’s Struggle With Abuse and Overcoming Trauma Through a Journey of Empowerment

Author: Anu Verma

Genre: Self-Help, True Story

This is the true story of Anu’s trauma from sexual abuse and her powerful overcoming of their past.

Anu, an Asian woman of Indian ancestry, was raised in the United Kingdom and sexually abused by one of her parent’s tenants at a very young age. This sent her into a dark inner space and harmed her relationships in later years. Eventually, the truth was discovered, and the pedophile was evicted from the house, but by then, the damage had already been done. Unfortunately, it was exacerbated when she was sexually abused again a few years later. Growing up as a teenager also led to harmful sexual attention from immature males who could not control their hormonal urges. This abuse generated developmental trauma, resulting in depression, anxiety, attempted suicide, and low self-esteem.

To try and escape this dark cycle of events, Anu tried traveling and working holidays abroad. She had a brief positive relationship with an Australian man who helped her trust again, after which she traveled around NZ, Asia, and Canada. After this, she tried online dating and discovered another awful man spiked her drinks and committed date rape. But something even worse had occurred. She now found herself facing an unwanted pregnancy, which would bring more shame, guilt, and depression. Unfortunately, this was also followed by other negative relationships with men. By now, she doubted that she’d ever be happy, so she decided to make changes to her lifestyle.

Anu decided to try to overcome her past. She trained in yoga and Reiki, mediumship, Buddhism, and other emotionally fulfilling activities that offered spiritual contentment and enrichment. She had therapy to heal the trauma of her past. She began following Tony Robbins, a master in personal development. She met another man, married, and had a child, bringing Anu the happiness she deserved.

The second half of the book describes the different types of abuse that can be experienced, ranging from the physical to the psychological, neglect, domestic violence, and the observable symptoms of sexual abuse in a child. It also describes the different forms of sexual abuse. There are chapters on trauma, PTSD treatment, and how to overcome the scars of abuse.

Victim 2 Victor offers much more than the author’s journal from recovery to happiness – it also provides a guiding light for others trapped in the darkness of an abusive past. This book is recommended for anyone who needs spiritual healing, emotional support, and constructive advice about overcoming traumatic events.
